Advantages of a Vanity Phone Number
The benefits of a memorable contact number are clear in terms of branding your business, but did you know they hold potentially dozens of other advantages for your marketing and operations?
Today we take a quick look at eight additional advantages to implementing a vanity number for your organization.
Lead tracking
Call tracking helps link calls through vanity numbers to your the wider marketing campaigns that drive them, giving businesses end-to-end visibility of the campaign’s return on investment.
Lead conversion
Vanity numbers focus on making your company easier to call, and inbound calls convert to revenue at a rate 10 times greater than online lead.
Robust customer profiles
Customer service improvements are clear when your reps have access to complete customer call history, including previous issues, how many times they’ve called and who they spoke to at the time.
Greater engagement
Voice2SMS technology is used within intelligent numbers to talk to an existing telephone system and present callers with options to receive your mobile offerings, such as a website, mobile app downloads, or directions to your business.
An efficient spend
They’re dual purpose, offering an additional way to describe who you are and what you do, without wasting space on your marketing materials. A great vanity number communicates business value at the same time as keeping your company in the customer’s mind.
More data
Reporting capabilities are immediately boosted by call tracking systems that are on offer with vanity numbers, providing vital data like response time, call frequency, caller demographics, and all manner of data that your sales team can use to close more calls.
Failsafe service
Vanity numbers don’t do disasters! If your phone lines go down during a power outage or storm, you can reroute your vanity toll free number to a cell phone or alternative location to keep the calls coming in.
Employee training
Training new employees is easier with call recording, which lets them listen to their call performance and access the best of your business calls in the recorded archives.
Vanity numbers help with lead conversion
Vanity numbers improve the customer experience
Vanity numbers support marketing teams
Vanity numbers can streamline operations
There are dozens more benefits to using a custom phone number for your business and we know there are plenty missing from this list; help us fill in the gaps as to how a custom contact number has boosted your business. Let us know on Facebook and we will of course give you credit in the next edition of this article!
So, What Are You Waiting For? Buy Vanity Phone Numbers Today
Boost your calls and sales with a memorable vanity phone number!
Toll-Free Numbers
A memorable vanity phone number that spells a word or phrase that will stick in the mind of your customers.
Get a local phone number in any area code so you can have a local presence in cities across the US and Canada.
SHOP Local NUMBERS- Written by: mike on June 9, 2014
Why Local Vanity Numbers Get Your Phones Ringing
On any given day, we’re exposed to an overwhelming amount of advertising. The majority of these ads don’t leave a lasting impression.Read more - Written by: mike on September 25, 2014
Making Vanity Numbers a Part of Your Business Identity
Driving a small business toward success takes more than hard work; a successful business must brand and market itself efficiently and effectively.Read more - Written by: mike on September 16, 2014
Vanity Numbers at Work: One Marketing Tool to Rule Them All
Marketing is an investment, and like everything else in your portfolio, you expect to see a return. Whether it's increased info on leads, more calls, or pure and simple sales, everything in your marketing tool kit must pull its weight (or be dumped in favor of something else that does). Compared to most marketing tools, vanity phone numbers work harder for you andRead more